The Reality of Things Hoped For

February 2023

Dearest NoCo Friends & Family,

Last we left you, our core team was preparing to go on break for the end of December & the whole month of January. During that time, we were able to pray, plan, & prepare for a number of things we are excited to catch you up on, now that programming is back in full swing! But first, we want to take a moment to say a few things that have been on our hearts & minds.

Each new year, many of us make resolutions or renew commitments to things we have tried before, yet never quite achieved to our full satisfaction. Regardless of how you feel about “New Year’s Resolutions,” there is something about setting goals, devising a plan for progress, & tracking each milestone that pushes us to become better versions of ourselves.

Therefore, since we are surrounded by so great a cloud of witnesses, let us also lay aside every weight, & sin which clings so closely, & let us run with endurance the race that is set before us, looking to Jesus, the founder & perfecter of our faith, who for the joy that was set before Him endured the cross, despising the shame, & is seated at the right hand of the throne of God.

Hebrews 12:1-2

Wherever you stand in your faith journey, we want to remind you that you are never far from God’s heart. He loves you endlessly, & He is faithful to complete the good work He began in you. In 2023, we encourage you to pursue a deeper relationship with your Creator. Whether you decide to read through the Bible, start each morning with prayer, or simply try church again for the first time in a long time (or all the above), God is with you. He is for you. He isn’t looking for an opportunity to judge you when you mess up—He is there to patiently & loving place you back on your feet so you can keep going. You have infinite value, & you are never alone!

The COVE Art Center

Greater Heights

On January 30th, we welcomed our students back to Afterschool. We are so glad to see all of their smiling faces again! Our aim will always be to grow, adapt, & find better ways to serve the kids & parents who value our programs, so we have made a significant adjustment to the daily Afterschool schedule we would like to share with you.

If you recall our 2022 Giving Tuesday fundraising campaign, part of our goal was to fuel concentrated art lessons. In our pursuit to make art accessible, we are now offering high-level instruction to students interested in taking their skills to greater heights. A few of our teachers began teaching lessons in December & continued while The COVE: Afterschool programming went on break. Now that we are back, the last hour of Afterschool is specifically designated for lesson time. We believe this will challenge our students to make bigger commitments, & we have already witnessed the payoff. We couldn’t be more excited for this change!

Lessons are completely free after parents have paid for the first two. This service is unprecedented & unparalleled in the Pittsburgh metro area. Our teachers are professionals, most with more than ten years of experience, & what they provide usually comes at a premium. Another of our core principles is to value artists, & want to make sure they are compensated for their incredible work. The Novelty Collective is committed to paying its teachers, so our campaign to raise money for student art lessons will be a continued effort.

If you would like to partner with us in our mission, please follow the link to our campaign page:

Evidence of the Unseen

At the COVE: Afterschool, nothing we do will ever be nearly as important our study of God’s Word, & we pray daily for the seeds we plant to take root in the hearts of our kids. Program Director Brittany Hartman has developed & delivered her own curriculum since The COVE’s inception. She has a Bachelor Degree in Human Services & a Minor in Student Ministries, alongside a lifetime of experience.

Our Bible lessons for the 2022-2023 school year have been focused on “The Hall of Faith” of Hebrews chapter 11 & the stories of the great men & women cited in this extraordinary passage. This past week, we coupled our study in Hebrews with the account of Cain & Abel in Genesis. The students have been wonderfully engaged & interactive during lesson time, & we are often amazed at just how well they are grasping concepts like faith & sacrifice. After two days of teaching, Brittany introduces an art project in connection to what they’ve learned. While planning for this year’s curriculum, she was inspired to have the students “remix” classical artwork using a variety of different mediums!

Here is one of our students painting with acrylic over 19th century oil painting on canvas, Cain Killing Abel (artist Unknown) to emphasize important elements of the Biblical account:

Please follow us on social media for more photos of the artwork our students produce this year as we dive deeper into “The Hall of Faith.” We encourage you to do your own study of Hebrews 11 & ask for God to reveal the truth of His Word to you!

Faith shows the reality of what we hope for; it is the evidence of things we cannot see.

Hebrews 11:1

NoCO: Open Studios

The Novelty Collective’s Open Studios monthly gathering is back! Are you an adult looking for a dynamic art space that will spark a fresh wave of creativity? Do you lack the art supplies to take on your next big project? Do you like free food & a fun place to hang out with friendly makers on the weekend? Even if none of those things apply to you, we urgeyou to check out NoCo: Open Studios. It’s an great opportunity to meet our team, see what we’re about, & discover how you can be a part of The Novelty Collective’s creative community.


We hope you’ve enjoyed catching up on our activities here at The COVE Art Center with this month’s newsletter. If you have any questions about programs, what we offer, how you can participate, or how you can partner with us, please reach out. We want to hear from you! Likewise, if you are looking for prayer or encouragement, members of our team meet daily to lift up the needs of people in our community.

Thank you for reading. May God richly bless you as you run the race with endurance, keeping your eyes fixed on the ultimate goal which is Christ Jesus!

In His Service,

The Novelty Collective Team

Article Written by Jordan A. King




The Novelty Collective Music & Arts Festival 2022