Create With Us

How does someone interested in joining our community get involved—where do you fit into all of this? On the fourth Saturday of every month,* we host an event at The COVE Art Center held in the same spirit as our annual Music & Arts Festival. NoCo: Open Studios is a chance for artists of every age & skill level to drop in & create in a space designed to inspire the imagination, establish connection, & encourage collaboration. This invitation is for anyone, even those who simply wish to observe or reflect in a “third place” outside of home & work. It can be a time to socialize & make friends or a time to retreat into a cozy nook & make your magnum opus. You decide.

Our aim is to cultivate an environment for you & for others to develop new skills & grow existing talents. Furthermore, it is our desire to establish a supportive community that will continue to flourish as bonds & relationships form over similar goals & interests.

NoCo: Open Studios is a free event, with patrons welcome to come & go at any time between 11:00am - 4:00pm. A light lunch is provided around noon. We hope you will consider joining us at NoCo: Open Studios for this amazing opportunity to create something beautiful & to connect with other artists; however, it is our greatest hope that when you exit The COVE Art Center, you will be inspired & empowered to continue living into the wonderful abilities you have been given.

*We are currently on hiatus from holding Open Studios—please keep checking back & stay connected to our social media so you’ll know as soon as we’re back!