photography studio

There is so much beauty to discover in the world. Get inspired & start capturing the beauty you see when you visit our Photography Studio. We have a diverse selection of cameras—from i-Type instant film to digital. Sit in comfort with one of our Apple iPad Pros, loaded with professional photo editing software. Try using our green screen to place an image of yourself or your friends in exotic locales… or perhaps another world.

Of all the beauty our eyes can behold, there is nothing more striking than humanity. That is why the theme for this room is Day 6: the Image of God (Gen. 1:26-31). The Maker’s masterpiece is you; it’s me. The illustrious Braeden McClain has captured so many remarkable images of our creative community as the Novelty Collective’s resident photographer. We also have him to thank for the helping renovate the Photography Studio.


Drawing Studio


LEGO Studio